Wednesday, 16 October 2013

All good things come to an end

The MOOC ended last week with Class 5. It will remain open until the end of Sunday, 20 Oct (all time zones). Statements of Completion will be emailed once the course closes. The course material will remain available up indefinitely at:

under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY 3.0) license. Use it however you like! We've also added the music, as MP3 files, to the course material.

We are planning to re-run Data Mining with Weka early next year (probably March). And your enthusiastic feedback has encouraged us to think about a more advanced version. But it does depend on support from Waikato University, and we are waiting until this course is over before commencing that conversation.
A survey about the course is available at:
Please fill it in! The response rate, and your feedback, as well as the course completion rate, will no doubt influence our ability to run future courses.
We have very much enjoyed giving this MOOC. And we have learned a lot in the process! We are preparing a report on the experience and will post a draft to WekaMOOC-announce, in case you're interested.
You can read more about Waikato's machine learning research group at:
Our publications are listed under the Publications tab
In the good old days, Weka was an externally funded research project. But that ended long ago. Both Weka and this MOOC are supported entirely by our Department and University. If you think these efforts are worthwhile and would like to support them financially, that would be lovely! Please do so here:
All donations are directed to research: no administrative charges are incurred.
Finally, how about coming to Waikato to study? Our Department's web site at
has links to our research groups, and to graduate student information (MSc and PhD).
Excuse the advertising :-). Hope you had fun with the MOOC. Don't forget the survey. See you next time!


  1. A great course! Made machine learning seem to be easy:) I am eagerly waiting for the next part.

  2. Ian, many thanks for the course. I found it enlightening and has given me a number of ideas to move on with. Best of luck in terms of your evaluation and I hope you get the support to run a further advanced course.

  3. Amazing Course ! Ian's personal touch made it even more interesting. Many Thanks for introducing me to this field, waiting for the advanced course !

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I missed this oportunity. Anxious for the re-run in March.

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